If you have fallen due to somebody else’s carelessness or negligence then you must know your legal rights. Slip and fall injuries are categorized as personal injury. The injured victim is entitled to seek compensation for damages.

Often, most people really don’t pay attention to cases related to premises liability. In situations where another person had control of a property and was neglectful or irresponsible, you should think of fighting for legal rights.

If something was preventable, then you may not always get a settlement. However, if it wasn’t your fault or you were not negligent, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your personal injuries.

Important Steps To Be Taken After Facing A Slip-And-Fall Accident

  • Seek medical help
  • Report the Accident
  • Gather evidence from the accident scene
  • Limit your communication
  • Document all the details
  • Speak with a legal expert

What To Do After A Slip And Fall Accident?

Seek Medical Help

Always prioritize your health over other things. Get yourself treated. Visit a licensed medical professional and get treatment for your injuries. If your doctor suggests any particular treatment, follow that advice. Your doctor’s documentation will help strengthen your personal injury case and assist you with better compensation for your injuries.

Seek Medical Help

Reporting the accident to the police will validate your claim. You will have proof that the accident actually happened. The insurance agency cannot make false claims later. Further, you can keep a police report copy with you. This will help in proving your claim in the future.

Gather Evidence From the Accident Scene

Slip-and-fall accident can occur at any place, home, or garage. Be it anywhere, you need to have evidence including pictures of the accident scene. You can even photograph your injuries including bruises, neck injury, spinal cord injury or any other injuries. You can also take note of the contact details of the witnesses if any.

Limit Your Communication

It is often advised that you limit your communication. There are chances that you may get into an argument and blame someone. Therefore, it is better to avoid communicating with the witnesses, homeowners, or anyone involved in the incident. Avoid using any harsh words and limit your communication with the other parties involved in the incident.

Document All the Details

It is better to document everything after the incident so that you don’t miss out on essential information. Take pictures, write down the witnesses’ names, addresses, and focus on gathering evidence. You must also save all the medical records, and any bills and other essential records that will help in calculating the actual value of your claim later.

Speak With A Legal Expert

Legal guidance can help you with the process. Slip and fall accidents are often difficult to prove. Therefore, you can consider consulting a legal professional. 

Whether you are filing an injury lawsuit or wish to negotiate with an insurance provider, you will need to show that somebody else’s carelessness brought on the fall.

If you can prove that the other person is liable or responsible for your injuries, you may obtain compensation through your claim. In preparing your claim, you can seek help from an experienced San Antonio Slip and Fall lawyer to prove  liability and help you with the personal injury claim. You should take their guidance before undertaking any action.